What If It's True?
Years ago, Charles Martin opened his Bible and asked himself: "What if every single word of Scripture is absolutely true and I can trust it?" In the What If It’s True? | Video Discipleship Series, Charles explores truth by bringing key moments from the life and ministry of Jesus to life through his descriptive, immersive teaching and storytelling. Also featuring authentic, personal stories from people who've been profoundly changed by their relationship with Jesus, this series will help you not just think differently about scripture but live differently as well.
What If It's True? | Session 1
What If It's True? | As an introduction to the series, Charles explains the heart behind his book “What If It’s True” and establishes what viewers can expect through the series.
What If It's True? | Session 2
Repent | Before going any further, Charles establishes the foundation of this series by inviting viewers to repent and surrender in order to be crucified with Christ.
What If It's True? | Session 3
We're All Bleeders | While explaining a portion of the history of Jewish garments, Charles unpacks the story of the bleeding woman and how we all desperately need Jesus’ healing touch.
What If It's True? | Session 4
Chorus of the Unashamed | Charles examines when Bartimeaus was healed of his blindness and makes a case that all of us are blind before we meet Jesus.
What If It's True? | Session 5
What Are You Taking to the Grave? | While analyzing David and Bathsheba, Charles teaches how sexual sin steals our lives from us.
What If It's True? | Session 6
Jesus Christ is Lord of All | Resignation slowly chips away at the truth of scripture so Charles reminds us that the only inevitable reality is “Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All”.
What If It's True? | Session 7
What's That You're Carrying? | The moment when Jesus was crucified changed everything and in this session, Charles examines seven ways the power of Jesus’ blood has impacted reality.
What If It's True? | Session 8
The Toughest Thing You & I Will Ever Do | Through personal stories and scripture, Charles provides pragmatic steps to do the toughest thing in the world - forgive.
What If It's True? | Session 9
Choose This Day | Sin has consequences, directly and indirectly, so Charles teaches how to break generational curses based on scripture and lean in to the blessings God has for His children.
What If It's True? | Session 10
You Will be Hated By All | Charles teaches how the life of Job and his response through adversity is a model of faithful trust.
What If It's True? | Session 11
No Gone is Too Far Gone | Unpacking the parable of the lost son, Charles answers an age-old question by reminding us that God’s grace is infinite.
What If It's True? | Session 12
The Deepest Wound of the Human Soul | We've all been rejected, even Jesus on the cross, so Charles teaches the only way to heal that wound is by trusting in the power of the same cross.
What If It's True? | Session 13
The Peg On Which Everything Hangs | Through vulnerability, Charles argues that love transcends all things to be paramount in the life of the Jesus follower.
What If It's True? | Session 14
Will You Bear His Name? | In this last session, Charles summarizes the entire journey of the series and asks viewers to analyze "what’s next".